Key Sales and Marketing KPI Calculator
Joshua Lawton Joshua Lawton

Key Sales and Marketing KPI Calculator

Building a business is about building and growing with a strong foundation. In order to do that, you need to both track and know your key performance indicators (KPIs).

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The Key Steps to Your Sales Process
Joshua Lawton Joshua Lawton

The Key Steps to Your Sales Process

Going from $0 to $1M in sales isn't magic. In fact going from any starting place to any ending place revenue wise isn't magic either. It's achieved by setting up a repeatable sales process and delivering an extraordinary service or product.

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Stop Operating Without a Profit and Loss Model
Joshua Lawton Joshua Lawton

Stop Operating Without a Profit and Loss Model

When you decided to build your startup, you probably didn't start with a Profit and Loss (P&L) statement. However, as your startup matures, it is important to focus on business fundamentals and to that end, you need to build your P&L.

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