How to Continually Close Deals with Relational Selling

There are two types of sales: 1) transactional and 2) relational. In the first type of sale, the deal is based purely on "I give you X and you give me Y". Normally either X or Y is money.

The second type of sale is relational and it's exactly what it sounds like. This type of sale is based on creating a relationship with your buyer. This type of sale taps into the fact that all of us use that reptile brain of ours, the fight or flight part of our brain, to make emotional decisions and then we use the upper level brain function, the logic center of our brain, to provide a "calculated reason based on facts" to validate our emotional reaction.

What does this mean? Well, first and foremost, buyers consistently rank "liking the salesperson" as one of the top reasons for why they bought a product or service. Secondly, a sale based on a trusted business relationship means that you have placed yourself in the advantageous position of being a trusted advisor, which allows you, the salesperson, to identify additional needs to upsell, cross sell, and ask for a warm introduction to another buyer who would benefit from working with you.


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