The Price is Not Always Right
Pricing is an essential aspect of any business, as it directly affects the profitability and sustainability of the company.
Small Business Series: Do's and Don'ts of Pricing a Solution
When it comes to creating value for your customers, pricing is an exercise that you must complete, evaluate, and repeat.
Veterans Business Series: Certification to Propel Your Business
As a veteran owned business, you've already proven that you have what it takes to succeed in challenging environments. However, navigating the world of entrepreneurship can be daunting, especially when it comes to accessing new business opportunities. Certain veteran specific certifications can open doors to you that are otherwise closed.
Veteran Business Series: 6 Benefits & Resources to Start a Business
If you're a veteran and looking to start a business, there are several benefits and resources available to you that can help you get started.
Small Business Series: When You Can’t Use Cash Basis Accounting
If you run a business, it’s absolutely necessary to understand revenue recognition and tax implications.
Small Business Series: 4 Reasons to Use Cash Basis Accounting
As a business owner, one of the most important decisions you will make is how to handle your accounting. While there are several methods available, cash basis accounting can provide advantages for small business owners.
Small Business Series: 4 Ways to Reduce Your Unemployment Tax
When an employer needs to lay off an employee, it can be a difficult decision. However, there are steps that the employer can take to limit the use of unemployment benefits by the laid-off employee.
Texas Business Series: Understanding Unemployment Tax
Sarting a new business is exciting, but it also comes with many responsibilities, including paying taxes. One of the taxes that new business owners in Texas need to be aware of is the employer unemployment tax.
Small Business Series: Commercial Auto Insurance?
Small businesses often rely on transportation to deliver products, services, and employees to different locations. Which is why, Commercial Auto Insurance can be a vital part of your risk management plan.
Small Business Insurance: Property Insurance?
Property insurance is a critical aspect of risk management for small businesses.
Small Business Series: Business Interruption Insurance?
Business interruption can occur unexpectedly and have significant financial implications for small businesses. Business interruption insurance is designed to help businesses manage these unexpected interruptions.
Small Business Series: Workers’ Compensation Insurance?
Workers' compensation insurance is a critical component of any small business's risk management plan with insurance. It provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work, and can protect employers from costly lawsuits and legal disputes. The importance of workers' compensation insurance for small businesses and why it's essential to have this type of coverage.
Small Business Series: General Liability Insurance?
Running a small business can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also come with its fair share of risks. From employee accidents to customer injuries, lawsuits can quickly pile up and leave you in financial ruin. That's where general liability insurance comes in.
Small Business Series: Cyber Insurance?
Cyber crime is on the rise and so is the use of cyber insurance by businesses.
Small Business Series: Professional Liability Insurance?
As a small business owner, it is important to understand the potential risks that come with providing professional services to clients. Even the most careful and conscientious professionals can make mistakes or face unexpected challenges that can result in legal action.
Small Business Series: No Insurance? You’re Setting Yourself Up for a World of Pain
Starting and running a small business can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it also comes with a lot of risks. Small businesses face a wide range of potential liabilities, from property damage and employee injuries to data breaches and legal disputes. This is why it's crucial for small businesses to carry insurance.
Small Business Series: The Top Ten NAICS Codes Used by the Federal Government
While it is important to use the correct NAICS codes for your business, there are several NAICS codes that are commonly used in government contracting across different agencies and industries.
Small Business Series: The Importance of NAICS Codes
Small businesses can greatly benefit from using NAICS codes to win government contracts.
Texas Business Series: Veterans Entrepreneur Program
The Texas Veterans Commission's Veterans Entrepreneur Program (VEP) is a unique initiative that helps veterans start or grow their own businesses in Texas. The program provides a range of benefits and financial assistance to veterans
Small Business Series: Veterans Advantage Loan Program
One of the primary benefits of the Veterans Advantage Loan Program is the reduced interest rates and fees.