Texas Business Series: A Great State for Veterans to Start a Business

As a US military veteran looking to start a business, there are many factors to consider when choosing a location. One state that should definitely be on your radar is Texas. With its pro-business environment, low cost of living, and thriving economy, Texas offers a unique combination of advantages for entrepreneurs looking to start and grow a successful business.

One of the key advantages of starting a business in Texas is its favorable regulatory environment. Texas has a relatively low-tax, low-regulation environment that is designed to encourage entrepreneurship and business growth. For example, the Texas Enterprise Fund provides financial incentives to businesses that are looking to relocate or expand in Texas. This fund has been used to attract major corporations to the state, but it is also available to small businesses like ours.

In addition, Texas has a comparatively simple and straightforward regulatory system, which can make it easier for us to navigate the bureaucracy involved in starting and operating a business. The state has a "one-stop shop" for business registration, which allows us to easily register our business with all the relevant state agencies. This can save us time and hassle, and make it easier to get our business up and running quickly.

Another advantage of starting a business in Texas is the state's relatively low cost of living. Compared to other states like California or New York, the cost of living in Texas is much lower. This can make a significant difference in our ability to bootstrap our business and make it profitable, without having to worry as much about high rents, taxes, and other expenses.

Texas also has a thriving and diverse economy, with several strong industries like technology, energy, and healthcare. This means that there are plenty of opportunities for us to find clients and customers, and to diversify our business in different areas. Additionally, Texas' central location and strong transportation infrastructure make it easy to reach customers across the country and around the world.

Finally, Texas has a pro-business culture that encourages innovation, risk-taking, and entrepreneurship. This creates a supportive environment for entrepreneurs like us, where we can get the support and resources we need to start and grow a successful business. From local business associations to statewide economic development programs, there are many resources available to help us succeed in Texas.

Texas offers a unique combination of advantages for entrepreneurs looking to start and grow a successful business. Its favorable regulatory environment, low cost of living, diverse economy, and pro-business culture make it a great place to start a business. As US military veterans, we can take advantage of these advantages and make our business dreams a reality in Texas.

Want to get certified as a Historically Underutilized Business in the State of Texas or as a service disabled veteran owned small business or a veteran owned small business with the federal government? Let our team handle the pain of working with the government and getting your company certified while you focus on growing your business. Schedule a free session with one of our Certified Veterans Business Coaches today.


Texas Business Series: A Quick Intro to Statewide Economic Development Programs


Texas Business Series: Leveraging the Texas Enterprise Fund