KRA Series: Top 5 Key Result Areas for Technology Service Companies

The key result areas (KRAs) for a technology service company can vary based on the company's goals, objectives, and offerings. However, here are five important KRAs that are relevant for most technology service companies:

  1. Client Satisfaction: Client satisfaction is a critical KRA for technology service companies, as it can lead to repeat business and positive referrals. This can be measured through client feedback surveys, testimonials, and retention rates.

  2. Service Quality: Service quality is another essential KRA for technology service companies, as it can impact client satisfaction and retention. Quality can be measured through the number of defects or errors, customer complaints, and adherence to service level agreements (SLAs).

  3. Project Delivery: Project delivery is an important KRA for technology service companies, as it directly impacts revenue and client satisfaction. This can be measured through on-time delivery, project completion rate, and project profitability.

  4. Revenue Growth: Revenue growth is a crucial KRA for technology service companies, as it indicates the company's financial health and ability to invest in future growth. This can be measured through sales growth, new business development, and client expansion.

  5. Employee Retention and Satisfaction: Employee retention and satisfaction is an essential KRA for technology service companies, as it can impact service quality, project delivery, and client satisfaction. This can be measured through employee retention rates, employee satisfaction surveys, and employee productivity.

By focusing on these five KRAs, technology service companies can ensure that they are providing high-quality services, retaining clients, and fostering a positive work environment for their employees. Additionally, they can track their progress towards their goals and make necessary adjustments to improve performance.


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